May 16 2017
Today, Just like any other past Tuesdays, I went to Ushiku detention center together with Father Michael Coleman sscc and Mr. Kenji Kato. It was a gloomy day, since the whole week it was mostly cloudy and rainy. Sad it maybe, I am always anticipating certain pain upon meeting those who are detentioned in the center. You may not know but they, in any case, are trying to hang on with their lives with hope even if this hope is too fragile. They are from different countries and different nationalities whom by different reasons we're detained. Consequently, they live life minimally and in a way that is very prone to distress and unhealthy emotional disposition. I often believe this thought, but for my surprise, when I went that day and met two Filipino detainees, after listening to their stories and struggles inside the center.. they imprinted a very inspiring message on my heart. Their faith in Christ sustains and gives them hope to take a step each day from their detention cell to see and smile at the light of the sun outside. Even if the light of their future in Japan is flickering just like a dying candle, they, with their personal reasons together with Faith, will face tomorrow day by day with a renewed will to fight and to move forward because they still have the God who never leave them even they are in their worst. I, in my little ways, participate in the mission of God to reach them too. Please let us pray for them.
Bro. Edmon Reyes sscc